This is a past event. Please join us for Web Summer Camp this year.
Sebastian held a workshop on testing in Symfony in 2013.
Marcello held a workshop on lean and functional domain modelling in 2017.
Nicolas held a workshop on performance testing in Symfony in 2015.
Paweł held workshops on Sylius and BDD in 2015 & 2014.
Lukas held workshops on various Symfony topics in 2013 & 2012.
Marco held a workshop on basic CQRS and Event Sourcing with Prooph in 2017.
Tobias held a workshop on clean code with PHP in 2016.
Bernhard held workshops on Symfony Forms and Puli in 2016, 2015, 2014 & 2013.
Ryan held workshops on various Symfony topics in 2017, 2015 & 2014.
Janus held a workshop on digital strategy in 2016.
Rahel held a workshop on adaptive content as UX strategy in 2017.
Joe held a workshop on user experience in 2016.
Chui Chui held a workshop on contextual experience design in 2017.
Kate held a workshop on user research in 2016.
Stephanie held a workshop on story techniques in design research in 2017.
Marijn held a workshop on JavaScript module systems in 2017.
Jason held a workshop on progressive web apps in 2017.
Princiya held a workshop on peer-to-peer web in 2017.
Paul held workshops on Solr with eZ Publish in 2013 & 2012.
Bertrand held workshops on various eZ Publish and eZ Platform topics in 2017, 2015, 2014 & 2012.
Edi held workshops on extending eZ Publish and eZ Platform in 2017, 2016, 2013 & 2012.
André held workshops on various eZ Publish and eZ Platform topics in 2017, 2014 & 2012.
Jani held workshops on various eZ Platform topics in 2017, 2016 & 2015.
Jérôme held workshops on various eZ Publish and eZ Platform topics in 2017, 2015, 2014 & 2013.