This is a past event. Please join us for Web Summer Camp this year.

Up & running with full stack serverless GraphQL

Workshop abstract

Building a secure, scalable, real-world GraphQL server is not an easy task. In this workshop, you will look at how you can abstract away the task of building and maintaining a GraphQL server by using services like AWS AppSync, allowing you as developers to focus on building the client-side logic and functionality. Nader will walk you through how to create a new API and attach the API to a client-side web application. You will also add queries, mutations, and subscriptions to make our application real-time.

Workshop level


Software requirements and repository

Instructions can be found on Nader's github repository.

Needed software:

  • npm


Create an AWS account

Nader Dabit

Amazon Web Services

Nader is a developer advocate at AWS Mobile and the host of the React Native Radio podcast.